Guide Toefl Pbt
© 2011 Heinle, Cengage Learning ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, Web distribution, information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the publisher. F/ Contents Preface ix Acknowledgements xiii GETTING STARTED xv Questions and Answers about TOEFL xvi Twelve Keys to High Scores on TOEFL xx SECTION 1: GUIDE TO LISTENING COMPREHENSION 1 About Listening Comprehension 2 Sample Listening Comprehension Test 3 Part A: Dialogs 11 About Dialogs 11 Lesson 1. Anticipating Questions about Dialogs 16 Lesson 2.
Dialogs with Sound Confusion 18 Lesson 3. Dialogs with Homonyms and Words with Multiple Meanings 21 Lesson 4.
Dialogs with Idiomatic Expressions 24 Lesson 5. Answering Inference Questions about Dialogs 29 Lesson 6.
Dialogs Involving Agreement and Disagreement 32 Lesson 7. Dialogs Involving Suggestions, Invitations, Offers, and Requests 35 Lesson 8.
Dialogs Involving Contradictions, Assumptions, and Questions 42 Lesson 9. Answering Questions about Activities, Plans, Topics, and Problems 46 Lesson 10. Dialogs with Special Verbs 49 Mini-Test 1: Dialogs 52 Part B: About Extended Conversations 55 About Extended Conversations 55 Lesson 11. Anticipating Questions about the Extended Conversations 59 Lesson 12. Answering Overview Questions about Extended Conversations 62 Lesson 13. Answering Detail Questions about Extended Conversations 64 Min i-Test 2: Extended Conversations 67 Part C: Mini-Talks 68 About Mini-Talks 68 Lesson 14.
Anticipating Questions about Mini-Talks 72 Lesson 15. Answering Overview Questions about Mini-Talks 74 Lesson 16. Answering Detail Questions about Mini-Talks 76 Mini-Test 3: Mini-Talks 79 Mini-Lessonsfor Section 1: Idiomatic Expressions 81. Vi Contents SECTION 2: GUIDE TO STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION 101 About Structure and Written Expression 102 Sample Structure and Written Expression Test 104 Part A: About Structure 111 Introduction 111 Lesson 17.
Toefl Pbt Guide
Incomplete Independent Clauses 114 Lesson 18. Incomplete Adjective Clauses 121 Lesson 19. Incomplete or Missing Participial Phrases 126 Lesson 20. Incomplete or Missing Appositives 129 Lesson 21. Incomplete Adverb Clauses 132 Lesson 22. Incomplete Noun Clauses 138 Lesson 23. Missing or Incomplete Prepositional Phrases 141 Mini-Test 4: Structure 144 Lesson 24.
Word Order Items 147 Lesson 25. Items Involving Verb Problems 152 Lesson 26. Incomplete or Missing Infinitive and Gerund Phrases 155 Lesson 27. Items Involving Parallel Structures 159 Lesson 28. Items Involving Misplaced Modifiers 162 Lesson 29.
Incomplete or Missing Comparisons 165 Lesson 30. Missing Conjunctions 168 Lesson 31. Missing Negative Words 171 Mini-Test 5: Structure 174 Part B: Written Expression 176 About Written Expression 176 Lesson 32. Errors with Word Forms 179 Lesson 33. Errors in Word Choice 189 Lesson 34. Errors with Verbs 202 Lesson 35. Errors with Parallel Structures 209 Lesson 36.
Errors with Pronouns 212 Lesson 37. Errors with Singular and Plural Nouns 219 Mini-Test 6: Written Expression 225 Lesson 38. Errors with Verbals 228 Lesson 39. Errors with Prepositions 234 Lesson 40. Errors with Articles 240 Lesson 41. Errors with Comparatives and Superlatives 247 Lesson 42.
Errors in Word Order 250 Lesson 43. Errors with Conjunctions 254 Mini-Test 7: Written Expression 257 Mini-Lessonsfor Section 2: Preposition Use 260. Contents vii SECTION 3: GUIDE TO READING COMPREHENSION 269 About Reading Comprehension 270 Sample Reading Comprehension Test 276 Lesson 44. Overview Questions 290 Lesson 45. Factual Questions, Negative Questions, and Scanning Questions 303 Lesson 46. Inference Questions and Purpose Questions 313 Lesson 47. Vocabulary-in-ContextQuestions 324 Lesson 48.
Reference Questions 334 Mini-Test 8: Reading Comprehension 343 Mini-Lessonsfor Section 3: Vocabulary Building 352 Guide to the Test of Written English (TWE) 387 About the Test ofWritten English 388 Ten Keys to Writing theTWE Essay 395 Three Practice TWE Tests 399 Three Complete Practice Tests 409 About Taking the Practice Tests 410 Scoring the Practice Tests 411 Practice Test I 413 Practice Test 2 441 Practice Test 3 469 About the Author 497 Answer Sheets 499. Preface About This Book If you are preparing for TOEFL, you are not alone.
Over a million people all over the world take either the Internetor Paper-basedversion of the test every year. A high score on this test is an essential step in being admitted to graduate or undergraduate programs at almost all colleges and universities in North America. A strong TOEFL score may also be needed to complete an English program at a language school or may be a requirement for graduation from a university. But preparing for this test can be a difficult, frustrating experience. Perhaps you haven't taken many standardized, multiple choice tests such as TOEFL. Perhaps you are not familiar with the format of TOEFL. Maybe you've taken TOEFL once but were not satisfied with your score, or maybe you've taken the test several times but can't seem to improve your score beyond a certain point.
In any of these cases, you need a guide. That's why this book was written-tohelp students preparing for this important exam to maximize their scores.
This is the most complete and accurate TOEFL preparation book for the Paper-basedtest now available. It is based on many years of classroom experience teaching TOEFL preparation classes in the United States and abroad, and on several years of research on the test. The Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test is simply written and clearly organized and is suitable for any intermediate or advanced student of English as a second or foreign language. Kawasaki 2015 zx6r owners manual.
The Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test offers a step-by-stepprogram that teaches you critical test taking techniques, helps you polish the language skills specifically needed for the Paper-basedtest, and generally makes you a smarter test-taker.And the Guide is an efficient way to prepare for TOEFL; by concentrating only on the points that are actually tested on the TOEFL, it lets you make the most of your preparation period and never wastes your time. Good luck on TOEFL! X Preface About This Edition In 200S, Educational Testing Service (ETS) began administering the Internet-basedTOEFL (iBT). It was introduced at first in the United States and a few other countries. Over the next few years, ETS began to administer the iBT in more and more countries.
Toefl Pbt Test Center
However, the original Paper-basedTOEFL (PBT) is still given in many locations around the world. Whether you take the iBT or the PBT depends on the location where you take the test. It may also depend on when you take the test, because some centers offer the PBT on certain dates and the iBT on others.
To find out if the iBT or the PBT is given in your area, you should check the TOEFL website. Go to on TOEFL and then click on Register for the Test.
In addition, the Institutional TOEFL (called the TOEFL Institutional Testing Program (ITP) by ETS) is a paper-basedtest which is administered by language centers, universities, and other institutions all over the world. Over 400,000 people take the Institutional test every year. For students or classes that must prepare for the Internet-basedtest, The Complete Guide to the TOEFL: iET Edition is also available from this publisher. This edition of The Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test meets the needs of people who want to take the TOEFL PBT rather than the iBT because the design of the two versions of the test is quite different. I believe The Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test is the most complete and accurate and up-to-dateguide to preparing for the Paper-basedTOEFL available. If you have comments about this edition of The Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test or about any aspect of the TOEFL test, I welcome your ideas, questions, and suggestions.
Guide Toefl
Please feel free to contact me at the e-mailaddress below. And, as always, good luck on TOEFL! Bruce Rogers Preface xi Organization of this Book Getting Started, th first section of the book, serves as an introduction to the Paper-basedtest.
Bruce Rogers is a materials writer, editor, and teacher from Boulder, Colorado, USA. He taught at the Economics Institute, University of Colorado Boulder for over 20 years. He has also taught in Indonesia, Vietnam, Korea, and the Czech Republic. He is the author of The Complete Guide to TOEFL® and the co-author of The Complete Guide to IELTS and Reading Explorer 5 (all published by National Geographic Learning). He has also written several other ESL textbooks and provided materials for online courses.