Coastal Engineering Manual United States Army

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Description: The Journal of Coastal Research is the bimonthly publication of The Coastal Education and Research Foundation providing an international forum for the littoral sciences. This professional journal is dedicated to all aspects of integrated coastal research. The journal disseminates knowledge and understanding of coastal areas by promoting communication between specialists in geology, biology, geography, climate, littoral oceanography, hydrography, engineering, and remote sensing. The journal contains scholarly papers, review articles, book reviews, news, and provides additional special issues.

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United States Navy

The 'moving wall' represents the time period between the last issue available in JSTOR and the most recently published issue of a journal. Moving walls are generally represented in years.

In rare instances, a publisher has elected to have a 'zero' moving wall, so their current issues are available in JSTOR shortly after publication. Note: In calculating the moving wall, the current year is not counted. For example, if the current year is 2008 and a journal has a 5 year moving wall, articles from the year 2002 are available. Terms Related to the Moving Wall Fixed walls: Journals with no new volumes being added to the archive. Absorbed: Journals that are combined with another title. Complete: Journals that are no longer published or that have been combined with another title. This paper describes coastal engineering research conducted by the Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC) of the U.S.

Army Corps of Engineers. An historical framework is presented which describes how the Corps of Engineers became involved in coastal engineering and how CERC was formed. Facilities and equipment at CERC that are used to investigate coastal phenomena are described. A variety of coastal engineering research programs conducted by CERC are discussed including cooperative research with academia, other government agencies, and the private sector.