Thyssenkrupp Citia Bos Installation Manual
. Citia and Alternating Current Systems (A/C) Stair Lift Installation and Service Manual Warning! STRICT ADHERENCE TO THESE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS is required and will promote the safety of those installing this product, as well as those who will ultimately use it for the purpose intended.
If you have questions concerning the installation or service procedures of both the Citia A/C and Aveya A/C stair lifts. Of the Citia A/C or the Aveya A/C please contact the Service Please refer to the Owner's Manual for warranty information and Department: operating instructions.
prelIMInary CheCkS a. InSTallaTIon SITe requIreMenTS C. ShIpMenT dedicated.
Cit Ia Bos
115Vac, 60 hz, 3-wire grounded outlet Verify all components are included with the shipment: within 13’ of the top or bottom of the staircase. Seat Box: stair angle between 25° and 45°. Seat assembly Indoor residential installation. Tracks chassis Folding Footrest Pictured above is a Citia Select on a BOS track. The Citia and Aveya models both feature interchangeable seats.
The seat on the unit you are installing may not look exactly like this. The A/C track has a channel down the middle which. TIMe The gear raCk b. InSTall MounTIng hardware loosen the set screws in the top sections of gear rack and slide them up until the gear rack in the upper track lay out the sections of track on the staircase, with . InSTall lower end Cap use the 4' piece of gear rack included in the small slide one T-bolt on the gear rack side of the track.
Parts kit to time the gear rack. STEP MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU: Slide 1 T-bolt on each .
3 ½” away from the wall or other obstructions, such as the power supply. If installing a citia silver or aveya premier this distance will need to increase to 6 ¼' to accommodate the wider seat. It should look like this: InSTall The ChaSSIS aSSeMbly InTo The TraCk NOTE: If you will need to change remote frequencies on There will be two harnesses, one marked rh (right the call/send remote controls do this PRIOR to mounting hand) and one marked lh (left hand). 'downhill' end of the chassis. Remounting the flex-chain to the opposite end of the bracket may be required chain mounting clip Flex Chain Center Channel of Citia track The chain mounting clip installs here.
Install the chain mounting clip with the two philips head screws located at the end of the Flex chain. Ground The power Cable once you've started the Flex chain into the channel, slide the unit on to the track, using the guide wheels unsnap the last link with the chain mounting clip attached to help put the track in place.
From the bottom of the to it and resnap it to the end of the Flex chain in the chassis, the unit should look like this: track. InSTall JunCTIon boX The finished product should look something like this: Determine where, underneath the track, you’ll be mounting the junction box. Route the power wire Wire Nut Black from under the end cap, down the center of the Green (to wall) underside of the track to where the box will be. InSTall The Top end Cap M.
AdJuST The TraCkIng rollerS route the power wire loosen locknuts on take-up assembly out through the bottom of the end using a wrench, tighten jack-nuts against the chassis. The gear set wheel should now be tight against the track. The SeaT hub locking mechanism Loosen the three (3) bolts on the chassis citia or aveya seat behind the footrest. Place a torpedo level on either the seat hub . SeaT heIghT IF deSIred T. ChangIng The orIenTaTIon oF The pendanT holSTer The citia and the aveya come with a pendant holster loosen the allen screws on the two seat clamps. attached under the armrest.
Slide the seat up or down as desired and tighten . CoMpleTIon proCedureS Seat: Verify the seat is level. CoMpleTIon CheCklIST Verify the seat swivels 70° towards each land- The following features must be verified as operational ing and locks into position.
Before the stair lift can be released for use: Verify the lift will not operate when the seat is not locked in the riding position. RequIreMenTS VI. SerVICe InForMaTIon This e.T.l. Listed stairway lift must meet the latest asme a.
General SpeCIFICaTIonS A18.1a specifications for the E.T.L. Listing to be valid.
Rated Load: 375 lbs. (170 kg) Speed: 18-25 fpm (dependant on angle of install and The following rules must be complied to at the installation load) site. the transmitters and set the red jumpers (in each transmit- Safety Devices: ter) to the same code. Change the corresponding code in Footrest obstruction sensor the control board J1 (see chart).
Press and hold the yellow swivel seat cut-off switch 'learn'. TroubleShooTIng FlowCharT when lIFT won’T run. Using TO THE BOARDS! A DC voltmeter, check for voltage output from the controller on the unused Y harness. It will be in the CITIA AC Trouble Shooting 90 Vdc range.
If voltage is present, unplug the controller. The main control board is defective if the unit will not run after all of the above checks. ThyssenKrupp Access 4001 East 138th Street Grandview, MO Phone: 816-763-3100 Fax: 816-763-4467 Service: 800-409-3349