Vx570 Manual

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  1. Verifone

How It Works – A large, highly readable ATM-style backlit display offers black lettering and graphics on a white background. This makes your credit card terminal quick and easy to set up, and facilitates easy employee training and use.

Personal Identification Number (PIN) entry by the customer is intuitive. The built-in thermal printer creates customer receipts quickly, helping to speed up credit card processing. Its powerful processor quickly handles a range of transactions, including most major credit cards – Visa®, MasterCard®/Diners Club®, American Express® and Discover® – plus PIN and signature debit transactions, gift cards, Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) and check authorization, with peripheral products. The VeriFone Vx570 credit card terminal also supports value added services such as returns and exchanges.

Its lightweight and small footprint make it ideal for small space requirements and easy to hand over to customers for transactions on the built-in PIN pad. In addition to providing fast, secure payments, an array of communication options are available, including 14.4 kbps or 56 kbps dial, LAN via Ethernet or RS-485, and GPRS wireless connectivity. Further, USB host/ client and additional RS-232 ports are available for unparalleled peripheral connectivity.

The RoHS-compliant. Vx 570 credit card processor takes performance to the next power.

It combines superior speed and power to offer exceptional credit card processing, plus increased memory to support a wide range of value-added applications. Vx 570 credit card terminals are PCI PED approved by Visa and MasterCard for debit and other PIN-based transactions, and have EMV Level 1 and Level 2 Type Approval. Help Your Business Accept credit cards, debit and gift cards, plus EBT and check authorizations, with peripheral products Offer fast transactions and receipt generation to improve customer service Fast credit card processing: More transactions in less time Build customer preference and loyalty Remain adaptable for future functionality Help Your Customers Speed up acceptance and check out.

. V Ver iFon ne V ney Ord der Us er Guid 9/14/2012. RGA VeriFone Vx 570 Money Order Training Manual.2 Package Contents and Unpacking.3 Chapter 1- Terminal Front Panel Features.4 Chapter 2- Connecting the Document Printer and Terminal. 6 Chapter 3- Loading the Thermal Paper into the Terminal.

RGA VeriFone Vx 570 Money Order Training Manual Package Contents and Unpacking  VeriFone Vx570 terminal  VeriFone Power Cable  Ethernet Cable  PI23 Electra Document Printer  Printer Cable for connection to VeriFone terminal  Printer Power Cable. (blinks when paper is out) Internal th ermal print Function k Display Purple funct tion keys ephone-sty yle keypad Alpha ke Cance Enter keys Magnet tic card rea ader Figure e 1 – VeriFone e Terminal Fro ont Panel Fea atures. VeriFone t erminal in th he port label ed RS232 (s see Figures 2 & 3). VeriFone terminal (see Figure 3).

Connect the VeriFone’s AC power adapter to the round port at the back of the VeriFone terminal (See Figure 3). Make sure the notch on the power adapter is at the top. Once inserted, turn the notch to securely lock in the cable. RGA VeriFo one Vx 570 Money Ord der Training g Manual Chapte er 3- Load ding the T Thermal Paper int to the Te rminal The p paper status s light blinks green (see Figure 5) wh hen the term minal is out o of paper. RGA VeriFo one Vx 570 Money Ord der Training g Manual Chapte er 4- Load ding Mon ney Order r Docume ents into the Docu ument Printer VERIF FONE DISPL LAYS: ACTION Print Repo orts 1.


In nsert the doc ument printe er key into the e key lock. RGA VeriFo one Vx 570 Money Ord der Training g Manual RIFONE SPLAYS: ACTION 7. T o load the do ocuments, fin nd the feedin g slot just be elow the print ting unit. Fe ed the paper nto the slot an nd align docu ument holes with the pins. RGA VeriFone Vx 570 Money Order Training Manual Document Error Messages There are a number of different terminal error messages that can occur when loading documents. In every instance, once you press any button, you can re-enter the correct information. RGA VeriFo one Vx 570 Money Ord der Training g Manual C Chapter 5 5- Termin nal Opera ation The Ope rator can:  Dispense mo oney orders.

 Dispense ven ndor paymen nts (if the ter rminal is pro ogrammed to o issue vend dor payments. RGA VeriFo one Vx 570 Money Ord der Training g Manual Chapte er 6- Disp pensing M Money Or rders Dispens sing a Sing gle Money Order The Veri Fone termin al is preprog grammed wi th a retail m money order f fee as agree ed upon with.

Vx570 user manual

RGA VeriFo one Vx 570 Money Ord der Training g Manual Dispens sing Multip ple Money Orders VERIFO DISPL LAYS: ACTION nter Money y Order 1 ype in your o operator pass scode and th mount: ress the gree en arrow butt at the ottom of the. RGA VeriFone Vx 570 Money Order Training Manual VERIFONE DISPLAYS: ACTION Sending transaction.

Press the F4 button to the right of the word 'Print” to print the money orders. For an instant if the terminal is Ethernet connected, the display shows ().

RGA VeriFone Vx 570 Money Order Training Manual Terminal Warning Messages These are various terminal error messages that may occur when issuing a money order. VERIFONE DISPLAYS: ACTION. WARNING. If the total of the sales (transactions) for the day. RGA VeriFo one Vx 570 Money Ord der Training g Manual Chapte er 7- Void ding Mon ey Order VERIFON DISPLA AYS: ACTION ter Money Order 1 ype in your o operator pass scode and th ount: ress the gree en arrow butt at the ottom of the. RGA VeriFo one Vx 570 Money Ord der Training g Manual Termina al Error Me essages There are e various ter rminal error messages t hat may occ cur when voi iding docum ments.

VERIFON DISPLA AYS: ACTION 1. If an incorrect Check Digit is entered, t. RGA VeriFo one Vx 570 Money Ord der Training g Manual Chapte er 8 - Prin nt User R Reports VERIFON DISPLA AYS: ACTION ter Money Order 1 ype in your o operator pass scode and th ount: ress the gree en arrow butt at the ottom of the. RGA VeriFone Vx 570 Money Order Training Manual Shift Summary Report VERIFONE DISPLAYS: ACTION Op reports Press the button to the right of the Reprint words 'Shift Summary F2'. The display Shift Summary shows ().

Op Daily Summary The terminal prints a report titled 'Shift Report'. RGA VeriFo one Vx 570 Money Ord der Training g Manual Chapte er 9 - Exe ecutive O ptions To enter the Executiv ve mode, ins sert the docu ument printe er key into th he key lock o on the docum ment printer. RGA VeriFo one Vx 570 Money Ord der Training g Manual Previous s Cumulativ ve Summary y Report The Prev vious Cumul ative Summ mary report d etails the do ocument prin nter activity f for the sales period pr rior to the las st selected C Cumulative S.

RGA VeriFo one Vx 570 Money Ord der Training g Manual 9.b. Lo ad Docum ments VERIFON DISPLA AYS: ACTION int Report nsert the doc ument printe er key into the e key ock on the do ocument print ter. (onlin ne)/(dialu up)/error he documen t will roll bac ck into the ocument prin nter. The dis splay shows ). (.See mis scellaneous VeriFone fu nctionality p page at end o of user man ual.

RGA VeriFo one Vx 570 Money Ord der Training g Manual 9.c. Vo id Next Do ocument The Void d Next Docum ment option allows the o operator to v void the next t document f from the documen nt printer. RGA VeriFo one Vx 570 Money Ord der Training g Manual 9.d. Clo ose Out Do ocuments The Clos se Out Docu ments optio n allows the e operator to remove the e remaining m money order serial nu mbers from the docume ent printer wi. RGA VeriFo one Vx 570 Money Ord der Training g Manual 9.e.

Vo id Remain ing Docum ments The Void d Remaining Documents s option allow ws the opera ator to void t the last 10 o or less documen nts from the document p. RGA VeriFo one Vx 570 Money Ord der Training g Manual 9.f. Ass sign Opera ator Passco odes The Ope rator Passco odes option allows the m manager to a assign a new w operator p passcode, change a an existing o operator pas scode or de. 'Prev v' to select P Prev Press the gree en arrow but at the ottom of the terminal.

Factory manual suzuki swift 2018 xg. Th he display sh ). (.See mis scellaneous VeriFone fu nctionality p page at end o of user man.  If the printer connection to the VeriFone terminal is lost for any reason, you will be forced to verify the next money order serial number to ensure correct money order serial number sequencing. RGA VeriFone Vx 570 Money Order Training Manual Connection state/potential error codes on the terminal Status Code Message Details Resolution Online The terminal is online and None required. Connected to the Host. Initializing This status will be displayed None initially when an Ethernet terminal is restarted.