Chrysler Accounting Manual

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Daimler Chrysler Accounting Manual

Dealership Accounting Training Manual First Edition (2002) for National Independent Automobile Dealers Association. One workbook, currently available in English only in U.S. This workbook includes basic accounting instruction and exercises, as well as specifically written used car dealership accounting instruction and exercises at City Auto Sales, a fictional training dealership. Adapted from procedures used by new franchise dealerships, this workbook contains illustrations on dealership documents, accounting journals, schedules and job assignments at City Auto Sales. Dealership Internal Control Manual, First Edition (2002) for National Independent Automobile Dealers Association.

Chrysler Chart Of Accounts

One workbook, currently available in English only in U.S. This manual contains check lists and suggested procedures for NIADA dealers, office managers and outside accountants to use in maintaining good internal control of dealership assets. Adapted from similar controls and procedures used at new franchise dealerships, this manual is a valuable tool for dealers wanting to establish or improve internal control policies in their dealership. Dealership Office Management and Ford Accounting (DOMFA), First (1993) and Second Editions (1999) for Ford’s Retailer Education & Training Department. Two workbooks, currently available in English only in the U.S. These two workbooks contain 16 units of dealership accounting and office management materials. Units 1-6 cover basic accounting concepts for those students with little or no background in accounting.

Units 7-16 review the uniquely Ford and Lincoln-Mercury accounting documents and office procedures for John Dealer Ford Lincoln-Mercury, a fictional training dealership. An updated Third Edition of the course is currently in process. Secretary-Treasurer’s Training Program Manual (1998) for Ford Minority Dealer Operations – internal use only for training new DD Dealership Office Managers.

Fiat Chrysler Accounting Manual

Two-year curriculum (7 class sessions plus in-dealership assignments) in 14 separate Instructor and Student Workbooks. In this unique apprenticeship-type program, qualified candidates are placed into existing Ford and Lincoln-Mercury dealerships for a period of two years to learn each position in a dealership office, cumulating in being able to understand each desk, the full range of supervisory and accounting responsibilities required for Secretary-Treasurers in dealerships operating under the Ford Dealer Development Program. Alabama Vehicle Lease Tax Guide for the Alabama Department of Revenue-Sales and Use Tax Division and the Automobile Dealers Association of Alabama (1996). A one-volume training guide on calculating dealership taxes due on leased vehicle sales.

Guide used by state field auditors and in statewide Sales, Use & Lease Tax Workshops conducted by the state of Alabama and ADAA. This booklet contains illustrated answers to questions commonly asked by both dealership personnel and government field auditors. By establishing a basic guide, both the auditor and the dealership being audited have a common understanding on how lease taxes are calculated.