Operating Manual For John Deere 1025

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  1. Operating Manual For John Deere D130 Mower
  2. Operator Manual For John Deere 1025r

Hi all, I have a new (7 hours now) 2017 1025r and I have some questions. Is the loud and annoying whine from the transmission normal? It seems louder when it's cold, but that could be my imagination. It does not go away when warmed up (at least not after 10-15 minutes of running).

Operating Manual For John Deere D130 Mower

I was told there is no break-in oil used in this tractor.is this true? If so, can I change the oil right now to 5W-40 synthetic or should I wait? It likes to sputter when starting (if the oil is cold) but it does start without hesitation. Is this because of the 15W-40 oil? If so.should I change it as per question 2? Thanks for your time! Mate, everything is set-out in your owner's manual.

HST tractors whine. They'll whine less once you discover the 'sweet spot' operating revs for what you're using the tractor for. (mine likes 2000 revs unless I'm running the PTO) Your first 'service' (oil & oil filter/fuel filter change, grease EVERYTHING) should be at or around 50hr mark.

This is mostly to ensure that there's no crap/filings left in the system during manufacture/assembly and to get you more familiar with your rig. But feel free to change your oil whenever you feel you want to.

Some do it annually as opposed to at a specific indicated 'hour'. As to the sputtering. Well, you do live in a colder climate than I do so I would let it warm up for 15 minutes depending on the ambient tempurature.

However, you are heading into (your) Spring so, again, it's up to you if you want to change the oil now. Your first 'service' (oil & oil filter/fuel filter change, grease EVERYTHING) should be at or around 50hr mark. This is mostly to ensure that there's no crap/filings left in the system during manufacture/assembly and to get you more familiar with your rig. But feel free to change your oil whenever you feel you want to. Some do it annually as opposed to at a specific indicated 'hour'. The manual says 200 hours. Which seems to indicate that there is no break in oil.

Operating manual for john deere tractors

With the x758, you were specifically told NOT to change the oil until 50 hours, or that would interfere with break in. What I'm asking here is, can I change the oil in this tractor without interfering with break in?

Operator Manual For John Deere 1025r

Even though winter is drawing to a close, a full synthetic 5w-40 is a better oil in every respect than dino oil 15w-40. But.is there a break-in that I would be interfering with? Should I wait at least X hours before changing? If so, what is X? I wouldn't change the oil early, it would be a complete waste.

Put some hours on the tractor (at least 50) and give the engine time to work out all it's crap into the oil filter. Regarding transmission whine, note that it will be worse if you are in too high of a gear range and depress the forward/rear pedal too far and/or have insufficient throttle.

That means you're asking for too high of a gear ratio from the HST for the given power available. You either need to change to a lower gear, or back off the pedal (thus lowering the effective gear ratio), or add more throttle. Or maybe some of everything. A very common mistake with new tractor owners is to mash the pedals like they are throttle pedals, not realizing that they are actually like gear range selectors. The farther you push it the higher the effective gear. Too high for the available power, and the HST will be taxed and whine more severely.