Rowe 200 Jukebox Manual

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AMIK200 AMI & Rowe/AMI im von Jukebox-World AMI K (1960) Copyright JAK200. JBK-120.

JCK-100. JEK-200. JFK-120.

Rowe ami 200 jukebox manual

Ami Rowe 200 Jukebox

Rowe 200 jukebox

JGK-100. JHK-200. JJK-200.

JKK-200. JNK-100. Vorgestellt 11/1959 auch als Lizenzbau durch -.

National Instruments Pty. Ltd, Australia: JDK-200 und JJK-200 Introduced in 11/1959 Also built under license by National Instruments Pty.

Jukeboxes by the Automatic Music Instrument Company (AMI) AMI began in 1909 as the National Automatic Music Co, making automatic player pianos. Having designed a mechanism which allowed music rolls to be selected, this was adapted for use in phonographs, the first of which was produced in 1927. The mechanism used was the first that could play both sides of 10 records, allowing 20 selections.

Aside from modifications to extend the number of selections, this mechanism was used for the next 30 years. The company was renamed to the Automatic Musical Instrument Company (AMI) after World War 2. The Automatic Canteen Company bought AMI in 1962, merging it with its subsidiary ROWE AC Services, a manufacturer of coin operated vending machines. Rowe-AMI is still manufacturing jukeboxes today.


AMI Model 'G' Assembly.